FREE Delivery within 20-mile Radius | $5 Delivery 21-30 Miles
2981 Route 352 | Big Flats, NY
Quietly nestled and spread throughout the hills of the Allegheny Plateau in New York State are many beehive colonies that provide us with pure and tasty honey full of nutrients. Our honey is diversified with the vast variety of vegetation and plants that are native to our region. Our honey ranges from very light honeys in the Early Spring, to Summer Wildflower and Fall Wildflower.
Store Hours
Monday-Tuesday: Noon - 5:00 pm
Wednesday-Friday: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday: Closed

Dates Have Been Set for the 2025 Beekeeping Experience
Our Honey Products Include:
Spring Wildflower Honey – Dandelion, fruit tree blossoms along with other wildflowers like Russian olive contribute to this floral class honey. Mild flavor with a simple sweetness and thinner body. Dark versions have a hint of maple flavor. Light to medium amber in color. Good all-purpose honey.
Summer Wildflower Honey – A mixed source honey made from flowers blooming in June and July such as clovers, sumac, vetch and basswood trees. In the herbal class with a complex sweetness and full body. Flavor starts out light then becomes earthy or slightly spicy.
Fall Wildflower (Dark) Honey – Wildflower, or Japanese Bamboo, is light and fruity yet richly flavored at the same time. The specific wildflowers from which the bees got the nectar to make this honey will turn the flavor more delicate or intense. Health benefits include its ability to increase energy levels, suppress allergic reactions, prevent chronic diseases, and improve the health of the skin, among others.
Clover Honey – One of the most widely available and popular honey varieties, clover honey is packed with minerals, such as zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium, and manganese, as well as high levels of B vitamins, vitamin C, polyphenolic antioxidants, hydrogen peroxide, and calcium. This would be the perfect ingredient for light sauces, salad dressings and baking.
Basswood Honey – Produced from the cream-colored Basswood blossoms found throughout North America. Light in color yet strong biting flavor and a distinctive lingering flavor. Somewhat fresh, pleasant “woody” scent, fresh taste suggestive of green, ripening fruit. Very good with teas like Earl Grey and works well for salad dressings and marinades.
Golden Rod Honey – Nectar sourced from Goldenrod (member of the herb family) produces a distinct honey. Some categorize the smell of Goldenrod as a spicy smell, some suggest a faint licorice aroma. Eating local Goldenrod honey as part of a regular diet is a way to battle allergies. Goes wonderfully with biscuits, as well as a favorite for cooking.

Free Delivery within 20 mi radius of Big Flats | 21–30 mile radius is $5 fee